Pathways To Care – a Discharge to Assess service
D2A presents an information-sharing challenge for Local Authorities and NHS Trusts
Hear Me Now
Maldaba innovated new technology to help people with learning disabilities better manage their healthcare and communicate with their support network.
Maldaba worked closely with Brighton & Sussex University Hospital NHS Trust (BSUH) to develop and support next generation knowledge management software, KnowledgeShare, for NHS professionals.
A free-to-use friendly and accessible approach to agricultural nutrition-based decision-making.
Homerton Health Visiting
Innovative website and app co-development for Health Visiting services in North and East London.
Maldaba enabled organisation culture change through the co-production of a case management system.
Coventry University’s Digital Health research team have launched eNgage, a platform for researchers to promote, recruit and run their digital research projects.
My Living Will
Maldaba facilitated the creation of end-of-life healthcare charity, My Living Will.
Participatory Action Research (PAR)
Maldaba have collaborated with the Training and Research Support Centre (TARSC) to create a web-based digital platform for the Participatory Action Research (PAR) process.
Leeds-based Lilac Grove housing co-operative turned to Maldaba for bespoke software that would help them manage their community.