My Contraception Tool Wins BUPA Foundation Recoginition

Annalisa, Brook, BUPA Foundation, Decision Analysis, Elicia, FPA, Health, LSHTM, My Contraception Tool
This Thursday, the 10th November, Maldaba will be attending the Annual BUPA Foundation Awards Ceremony 2011.
We’re very proud to receive this recognition for our work on producing My Contraception Tool, a ground-breaking free-to-use web application for contraceptive decision making, in partnership with Brook, the Family Planning Association (FPA), and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).
My Contraception Tool was an 18-month development project using 2 pieces of Maldaba technology: Elicia, our web-based on-line questionnaire builder and; Annalisa, our web-based single-screen decision tool based on multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA).
The project involved a huge amount of epidemiological research and data analysis on the part of Dr. Rebecca French, our collaborator at LSHTM in order to quantify the success of the 15 different contraceptive options. Honestly, how many of us even knew that there were 15 different options?
This recognition, in the Patients as Partners category, means a lot to us not just because of the work Maldaba put into the project, but also as recognition of Annalisa and Elicia as empowering tools on the internet. What makes the system so powerful is the partnership between Elicia and Annalisa, which personalise this large dataset into a highly individualised decision process that users can easily interact with and print-off the results to discuss with their GP or sexual health advisor.
You can use My Contraception Tool freely on the Brook website and on the FPA website (go on, give it a go), and you can read the original press release from the project launch in 2010.