Camden Coders #2 – What is Digital Healthcare?

Camden Coders, Digital Healthcare, mHealth, NHS
It’s the seemingly simple questions, isn’t it? Ever wondered what “Digital Healthcare” actually means? In the second of our Camden Coders series, Maldaba Director Mark Clements reflects on what we mean by the term and the implication of this for the future. In true Maldaba-style, he does this by going back over a hundred years! (After all, understanding where we came from tells us a lot about where we might end-up.)
Since Maldaba’s inception in 2002, we’ve been brought-in to health projects as “the technologists”. We’ve been working with our clients for years to help them see us as integral members of their teams to help shape and design projects, not simply engineers to deliver those projects once the specifications are finalised. Mark’s discussion of “Digital Healthcare” is a good example of Maldaba’s approach and how we challenge assumptions, always putting the issue into a broader context.
Watch the video to see Mark’s explanation.
If you have a digital project (healthcare or not) you want to discuss with Maldaba, please get in touch.