Decision Tool Trial to Help Young People who Self-Harm Launches

Annalisa, ChildLine, Decision Analysis, Elicia, Guy's & St. Thomas' Charity, Health, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, Research, Trial
We’re excited to announce that our research partners at King’s College London have launched their randomised controlled trial into a decision tool for young people at risk of self-harm. This is a web-based research project funded by Guy’s & St. Thomas’ Charity and uses two pieces of Maldaba software to carry-out the research and to deliver the decision tool.
Elicia, our web-based questionnaire builder, gathers research data, calculates inclusion eligibility, randomises participants into either the intervention arm or the control arm, and lets researchers monitor participant inclusion and randomisation during the trial.
Annalisa, our web-based multi-criteria decision software, takes participant response data from Elicia, combines it with researcher-entered data, and presents the participant with an individual, personalised decision tool experience, based on what’s important to that young person at that time.
We’ve been working closely with the King’s researchers to help design the trial, and to skin Elicia to appeal to the target demographic of teenagers. It’s been another brilliant experience where Maldaba does what we do best: empower non-technical partners to deliver innovative technically-powered solutions.
We’re keeping a keen eye on the the project’s progress, and look forward to hearing the trial outcomes.