Maldaba Win Contract To Develop MHOS Software

CDS Co-operatives, Housing, Housing Management Software, LILAC, MHOS, Mutual Home Ownership Society, Software
Maldaba are delighted to announce that following a competitive tender process, we have been selected as the supplier of a bespoke housing management system for the LILAC housing co-operative in Leeds.
Selected by LILAC and CDS Co-operatives, who are part-funding the project, Maldaba will build a web-based system capable of handling the Mutual Home Ownership Society (MHOS) financial model. MHOS is a different way of thinking about home ownership, communal living, and affordability.
Additionally the software will handle document storage and maintenance management. Finally the interface will be simple and intuitive, easy enough for all members to use.
We’re very excited to be involved in this ground-breaking housing project!